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Our Mission

While a lot has changed since the days when Franklin Roosevelt passed the New Deal and
created Social Security, Medicare, and the five-day workweek; the Plymouth County Democratic
League remains focused on electing Democratic politicians to help working families.


We believe that the Democratic Party is the party of the people, an inclusive organization that
unites Americans of every race, ethnicity, and religion. Our elected officials champion good jobs
at good wages, a society that treats everyone equally regardless of their background, a public

education system worthy of the children in our schools, and the infrastructure that we deserve as
citizens of a First World country.


The League supports local Democratic candidates whether they are running for school board, a
county office like District Attorney, or Governor. Former Chairman John Walsh is one of the
biggest evangelists for grassroots campaigning and we proudly follow that tradition. There’s
nothing more persuasive than a conversation with a passionate supporter who explains how a
certain politician will improve life for you and your family.


Working towards that end, the League organizes standouts, phone banks, and door-to-door
canvassing to contact voters and build support for local Democrats. We hope you will help us in
this mission in 2022 and beyond.

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